Akane Gumo (茜雲 - Rosy Cloud)

Aug 26, 2018 18:22
Akane Gumo

Yesterday, I introduced you to my favorite kind of clouds, 'nyūdō gumo' (入道雲).

I also like some other types of clouds.

For example, I like 'akane gumo' (茜雲 – literally “madder clouds”), which are made by the morning sun or the setting sun.

'Akane' (茜) is a perennial and climbing plant, and its root can become a dark red dye, so this term also means such a color.

Additionally, 'gumo/kumo' (雲) means "cloud."

That is to say, akane gumo are clouds with dark red that you can see at sunrise or sunset.





また、「雲」は "cloud" を意味します。

No. 1 papillon's correction
  • Yesterday, I introduced you to my favorite kind of clouds, 'nyūdō gumo' (入道雲).
  • Yesterday, I introduced you to my favorite kind of clouds, 'nyūdō gumo' (入道雲).
     this is correct, but saying 'my favourite kind of cloud' is also correct, and sounds more native.
  • I also like some other types of clouds.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • For example, I like 'akane gumo' (茜雲 – literally “madder clouds”), which are made by the morning sun or the setting sun.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Akane' (茜) is a perennial and climbing plant, and its root can become a dark red dye, so this term also means such a color.
  • 'Akane' (茜) is a perennial and climbing plant, and its root can be made into a dark red dye, so this term also refers to this color.
  • That is to say, akane gumo are clouds with dark red that you can see at sunrise or sunset.
  • That is to say, akane gumo are clouds with dark red that you can see at sunrise or sunset.
     this is correct, but more native would be:

    That is to say, akane gumo are dark red clouds that you can see at sunrise or sunset.
Thank you so much for the corrections. :)